Secondary Mathematics at IST

Maths image

IMPORTANT - Please note that Parents and visitors can understand more about the secondary mathematics curriculum by following this link. (The Mathematics department uses the schools google apps environment for much of its organisation)

This page offers some examples of the range of lessons and planning considerations/notes

Staff and administrators of IST can find the important details of how the mathematics department functions here in the schools google apps environment. (Access limited to staff and administration)

Inspirational, useful, fascinating, important, beautiful, functional, challenging and more....

At the the IST we strive to make mathematics all of these things to all of our students as often as we can. We recognise Mathematics as a fundamental skill set and a powerful tool for understanding the world we live in. It is also a pure subject that can be pursued and enjoyed in the same way one might enjoy poetry or art.

The Curriculum Leader for Mathematics is Jim Noble and he is joined in this department by Richard Wade and Oliver Bowles. All three of them are passionate both about mathematics and its teaching. Mathematics is taught in three specialist, networked classrooms all equipped with state of the art interactive whiteboards. The laptop program at IST provides an excellent opportunity to capitalise on the enhanced learning power of current technology for Mathematics teaching and we use a broad range of software in doing so. This use of technology is balanced with a variety of styles used in classrooms to make sure students experiences are as varied as possible.

At IB level, for students 16 - 18 years, we offer in G12, the courses Maths HL, SL and Studies and in G11 we offer the 2 new courses Maths Analysis and Approaches and Mathematics Applications and Interpretation.. See the IB Page for more details.

For students 14 - 16 years in our grades 9 and 10 we currently offer the Cambridge IGCSE course since 2015, The course is offered at both Extended and core level. Alongside this course we take as many opportunities as we can to prepare students for the IB. Follow this link to read more about our 14-16 curriculum.

For students from 11 - 13 years in our grades 6 to 8 we expand on work done in the primary section to give students a solid grounding in Number, Algebra, Geometry and Handling data such that they are as well prepared as possible to tackle the IGCSE course. Work is split in to approximately 3 week long units. Follow this link to see the learning objectives split up by year group and topic. Follow this link to learn more.

Each phase aims to prepare students for the next. In doing so we plan for students to mix both the necessary practise of the disciplines with opportunities to explore and discover Mathematics for themselves.


Curated by: Curriculum Leader for Maths