CAS and French

There are excellent opportunities to link CAS to our school life, to the host culture and to the French language. This gives students opportunities to develop their sense of responsibilities and initiative. Possibilities are:
• Debating in French
• Francophonie: promoting the event, running some aspects
• Reading club, board games
• IB students helping younger ones
• Writing an article in the school magazine and Newsletter
• Setting up and running a French blog
• French Fund raising
• Running a special event (Chandeleur)

TOK and French

Language is so much a part of human activity that it is easily taken for granted. The issues related to language and knowledge call for conscious scrutiny in order to recognize its influence on thought and behaviour. Language can be thought of as a symbol system, engaged in representing the world, capturing and communicating thought and experience. Language also can be seen as existing in itself, as something to be played with and transformed and shaped in its own right and something that can transform and shape thought and action. TOK in French can be tackled along the following lines:
• Nature of language
• Language and culture
• Language and thought
• Language and knowledge
• Language and other ares of knowledge
In Year 12, two TOK sessions are devoted to group 2 delivered by French staff. Students focus on the features of languages and on a reflection on language death and its consequences.