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Grade 7

Students have one one-hour lesson per week.  The intention is to offer both breadth and depth of study.  The aim is to provide students with an experience that allows them to:

  • develop their basic practical skills
  • generate an awareness of visual strategies
  • ensure they are able to analyse their own and others’ work
  • know strategies for developing and refining their own work
  • gain confidence in their own ideas


G7 ART SOW Sept 20-July 21

Autumn Term 1

Japanese ceramics – students learn about the cultural significance of ceramics in some aspects of Japanese culture.  They make a thumb pot and a slab built container in clay.

Autumn Term 2

Japanese ceramics cont.


Spring Term 1

Looking through – students revisit perspective and then explore ways of exploiting and manipulating this using collage and paint.


Spring Term 2

Looking through cont.

Analysis – students investigate the work of Picasso and Frida Kahlo and the significance of context on the intentions of these artists. (apx. 3 lessons)

Summer term

Exam prep – revisiting drawing skills

Kahlo style self portrait