Grades 9 & 10 Topics for 2023/24

Grades 9 & 10 Topics for 2022/23




PSHCE is Personal, Social and Health Education with Citizenship. It covers areas such as drugs, alcohol and smoking, sexual health, personal relationships, emotional health and well being, financial well being and citizenship (socially and morally responsible behaviour). Students have one PSHCE lesson of 60 minutes each week. In general, we start a new topic in an assembly for Grade 9 and 10 students, which introduces the PSHCE topic for the few weeks. There are usually 2 follow up lessons where students explore further the ideas introduced in the assembly. 


In PSHCE tasks may be set for groups or individuals. Assessment of learning and assessment for learning is undertaken by teachers and peers informally and when appropriate. Students may be required to complete a short reading or writing task, take part in a discussion or make a presentation. It is rare that work is formally marked, but informal positive feedback is given verbally. This assessment is reported to parents in the annual full academic report and during parent consultation. Like other subjects, achievement in PSHCE is recognized with the award of merits and commendations. Certificates for these are awarded during regular assemblies.


Planning Document for Teachers